We receive hundreds of letters a month, we respond to these letters and get to know the ladies incarcerated within TDCJ. We begin to understand their stories. We communicate via phone and the Jpay system, at our expense. Everything we do is currently self-funded. Any funds received will go DIRECTLY to the care of communicating and providing the needs of the women.
These women have struggled with addictions, mental health issues, abuse and various other traumas, escalating to their behaviors. While we are not licensed therapists, we use the guiding principles of our core values, to mentor these women in their thought patterns, directly impacting behaviors. We help the women un-ravel irrational, and broken beliefs, to develop rational and new ways of thinking. Women getting out of broken emotional thinking, allows them to make decisions, leading meaningful lives, preparing for re-entry to society.
We guide the women through TDCJ programs, maximizing their rehabilitation while in prison, leveraging the Ministries; all resources available to them. Additionally, we support them in communicating with their family outside, all family matters and process with prison Officials, and any health or Ombudsman interactions as necessary.
We provide support though the parole process, including parole materials, we support their daily life in prison, to be better stewards of their community, while rehabilitating, in a most difficult environment.
We create a personalized re-entry plan, housing needs, and establish any and all of their needs PRIOR to release, then back into those plans, daily working to achieve those goals.
Once released, we provide support through the parole process, and/or returning home.
Once a women is in the Rusty Diamond Network, she has these resources and support throughout her life.
The model, is set up to create mentors, peer-to-peer growth, likened to the “Mary-Kay” model. We have several ladies in training at this time.
This creates a network of pre, post and past incarcerated women, growing exponentially, creating a vast network of resources and support.
Using the Founder’s own personal experiences as a fellow past incarcerated woman, we aim to revolutionize the way women do time, rehabilitate, re-enter society and are supported at a very macro level day-to-day, in this unique hands on approach.
Thank you for supporting our mission, changing lives and families!